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I started this little series called “The Art of Editing” a while back and I am slowly building up a catalog.

In today’s world, it seems everyone has some kind of educational course to sell. I have a great regard for well-made educational courses, and most of these videos are only “slightly” planned out in advance and thrown together rather quickly. I have no intention of selling anything, but since I’m making them I’m pleased to present them here.

Whether you’re a filmmaker that values different insights, or a couple that is interested in seeing how it’s all made, I hope you find these little videos interesting!

Immersion - ep. 1

I talk about creating a sense of space that invites your viewer to “forget” they’re watching a montage video and start taking part in the story themselves.

Dynamic Shift of Tone - ep. 2

These “terms” are my own, but I reference a number of films that I think engage the audience and keep interest by moving from one type of emotion to the next.

Earning It - ep. 3

In this video I talk about how to effectively set up some of the most important moments of a wedding day to have the greatest emotional impact.

Non-Linear Editing - ep. 4

Let’s talk about editing in a non-linear, non-chronological way.

Symbolism - ep. 5

Can wedding films be true art?? Let’s discuss.